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Learn how to use LangChain with models on Predibase.


  • Create a Predibase account and API key.
  • Install the Predibase Python client with pip install predibase
  • Use your API key to authenticate


Predibase integrates with LangChain by implementing LLM module. You can see a short example below or a full notebook under LLM > Integrations > Predibase.

import os

from langchain_community.llms import Predibase

model = Predibase(
predibase_sdk_version=None, # optional parameter (defaults to the latest Predibase SDK version if omitted)
Optionally use `model_kwargs` to set new default "generate()" settings. For example:
"api_token": os.environ.get("HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN"),
"max_new_tokens": 5, # default is 256

Optionally use `kwargs` to dynamically overwrite "generate()" settings. For example:
"temperature": 0.5, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 0.1 (initialization default)
"max_new_tokens": 1024, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 256 (initialization default)
response = model.invoke("Can you recommend me a nice dry wine?", **kwargs)
API Reference:Predibase

Predibase also supports Predibase-hosted and HuggingFace-hosted adapters that are fine-tuned on the base model given by the model argument:

import os

from langchain_community.llms import Predibase

# The fine-tuned adapter is hosted at Predibase (adapter_version must be specified).
model = Predibase(
predibase_sdk_version=None, # optional parameter (defaults to the latest Predibase SDK version if omitted)
Optionally use `model_kwargs` to set new default "generate()" settings. For example:
"api_token": os.environ.get("HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN"),
"max_new_tokens": 5, # default is 256

Optionally use `kwargs` to dynamically overwrite "generate()" settings. For example:
"temperature": 0.5, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 0.1 (initialization default)
"max_new_tokens": 1024, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 256 (initialization default)
response = model.invoke("Can you recommend me a nice dry wine?", **kwargs)
API Reference:Predibase

Predibase also supports adapters that are fine-tuned on the base model given by the model argument:

import os

from langchain_community.llms import Predibase

# The fine-tuned adapter is hosted at HuggingFace (adapter_version does not apply and will be ignored).
model = Predibase(
predibase_sdk_version=None, # optional parameter (defaults to the latest Predibase SDK version if omitted)
Optionally use `model_kwargs` to set new default "generate()" settings. For example:
"api_token": os.environ.get("HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN"),
"max_new_tokens": 5, # default is 256

Optionally use `kwargs` to dynamically overwrite "generate()" settings. For example:
"temperature": 0.5, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 0.1 (initialization default)
"max_new_tokens": 1024, # default is the value in model_kwargs or 256 (initialization default)
response = model.invoke("Can you recommend me a nice dry wine?", **kwargs)
API Reference:Predibase

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